Tuesday, July 9, 2024

LetPot Max Unboxing and Setup

Today I am sharing a new product with you. The LetPot Max is an hydroponic growing system perfect for indoor gardening. 

This product was received for free in exchange for an article. All opinions are mine.


I've gardened for many years, but this is the first time I've tried hydroponic gardening. So this is a brand new gardening experience for me. 

Of course, plants take time to grow, so I will update you on the progress later.

This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please see my full disclosure policy for details. 


My purpose for this post is to introduce you to this cool option for indoor gardening. I will share some of the features of the product.

If you're interested in learning more about LetPot products then be sure to head over to the LetPot website for all the details about their products.

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letpot max hydroponic system set up and ready to grow
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 The LetPot Max arrived fairly quickly and was packaged well. 

opening the letpot max

Here are all the components when I unpackaged everything. 

 The LetPot Max comes with everything you need except seeds and an external water source. 

  • The water tank with an extendable light panel
  • 21 pod growing tray
  • 2 pod growing tray
  • baskets and sponges
  • nutrient solutions
  • shade covers
  • germination covers & stickers
  • tags for labeling plants
  • support rods
  • transparent pipe (to lead to external water source)
  • power cord
I used a empty milk jug for my water source. I will refill it as needed.

setting up the letpot


One of the main draws to this hydroponic system is that everything is automatic. Simply set it up and it will do all the work for you.

The LetPot Max features an automatic watering system. It keeps the garden hydrated. It pulls water from the external water source as needed with a nearly silent water pump.

Another feature is the nutrients are added automatically with each water refill. 

Another characteristic of the system is the lighting. Lighting can be customized to turn on and off when desired. The light intensity also be adjusted. 

System setup is easy using the LED touch screen, or the mobile LetPot app.


The setup of the LetPot Max was fairly straightforward. I just followed the instruction manual.

setting up the letpot

I had two problems. 

First the instructions say to fill the nutrient bottles with 100 ml of water and shake well to dissolve. 
The problem with this is that I don't have the proper equipment to measure milliliters. I made a guess and we will see how that goes. 

I later noticed that the lids to the nutrient bottles have measurements for up to 15 ml. So you could use those to measure.

The second problem I had was attaching the pipe to the bottom of the LetPot. The instructions tell you to fill the nutrient reservoir first. But then you can't flip the LetPot over to see what you are doing to insert the pipe. It's doable, but would be much easier to add the piping first.

I suggest adding the pipe before adding the nutrients or any water to the LetPot.

adding seeds to the letpot

I opted to try four different types of plants. Cilantro, lettuce, parsley and basil. These were so easy to plant. Simply add the basket to tray, add a few seeds into the sponge and gently place it in the basket. 

As much as I love gardening, there is an expectation that I will get dirty. With this hydroponic system, there is no mess! That's a definite plus!

You can then add the germination stickers and covers. The stickers keep the seed in the dark until it sprouts. The covers keep the moisture inside. Both can be removed as the plant grows.


Here it is in it's new home. I will keep you updated on the progress of the plants. 

You can find the LetPot Max on Amazon if you'd like to try it out. 

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collage of images of the LetPot Max hydroponic gardening system with text overlay


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